
🚀 Projects

🎓 Academic Projects

📝 LiDAR PointCloud Classification and Segmentation for Indoor Scene Understanding

📍 _Final Year ProjectUniversity of Dhaka_📅 January 2022 – December 2022

🤖 Autonomous Robot Navigation Using Computer Vision

📍 University of Dhaka📅 July 2021 – December 2021

💼 Professional Projects

💻 Data Pipeline Optimization and Automation

📍 _Software EngineerCefalo_📅 January 2023 – Present

🧠 Machine Learning Model for Client Business Optimization

📍 _Associate Software EngineerBrain Station 23_📅 July 2022 – December 2022

💡 Personal Projects

🌐 Personal Portfolio Website

📍 Self-initiated Project📅 March 2022 – Present

🛠 Expense Tracker App

📍 Personal Project📅 August 2021 – November 2021

📑 Customization Suggestions:

  1. Add Links: Ensure you link to your live projects (e.g., GitHub repositories, portfolio website, or app store links).
  2. Technology Tags: Emphasize key technologies and tools used for each project. This will help showcase your technical skills.
  3. Visuals: If possible, include images, screenshots, or videos of the projects on your website for a more interactive and engaging presentation.